"Encrimsoned"30" x 40"
Acrylic on Canvas
This is a painting that I did last night. It was very spontaneous. My Pastor has written a book entitled "Encrimsoned". In the book, he asks "Are you are willing to live a life of daily encrimsoning? Carrying your cross daily - Denying yourself daily - Following Jesus daily". Tonight I attended corporate prayer time as I needed to ask for prayer for a dear brother and a trial we have been in. It truly was a sweet time of prayer. After the session concluded, I approached my pastor and showed him and his lovely wife a photo of my newest painting, and told him the title. I told him that I could not afford $10 a book, but that God had given me the idea of passing copies of the book out during my show at Vista Lights coming up on November 20. He gave me an almost full box of books...76 copies to be exact. I asked. I received. Thank you, Jesus. I hope that God will use me, my art, and the books as His instruments for His own Glory. You will notice that I did not mention my pastor's name...I know that he wants all the glory to go to his Creator!